I want this on a t-shirt: “I reserve the right to completely change my mind about it once I’ve listened to it more.”

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Haha. When there’s a Concrete Avalanche merch line will get you one of these made

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I’ve been looking forward to your thoughts on the White+ album! I share your sense of it as a compilation (an impression supported by the duo referring to it as an audio record of a period of time). The one unifying factor, I guess, is that it’s easy to envision practically all of it going really hard live in an amped-up dance club. There’s something appealing about the drums on this one — it feels physical and organic, compared to the previous album’s bloopy mind candy. I do think I prefer the more ambient tracks to the ones that could be an evolution of You Can Listen-era Carsick Cars. (As an aside, my first reaction to “Tarantism” was that it came off an alternate-universe Orbus Terrarum with rock percussion swapped in for house beats.... Maybe it’d be better sprinkled with weird, chopped-up samples?)

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ah sorry my thoughts weren't more coherent in that case! You're right about the "period of time" thing - I cut it for space above, but in the "interview" where Shouwang talked about loops, Wang Xu described the record as like "a diary". Definitely feels like these pieces originally come from different periods, even if they ultimately recorded them all around the same time in Yiwu.

Last time I saw them live, I wasn't sure what to expect (it'd been a few years since I'd really thought about them at that point to be honest) so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed their set and how hard they went. Maybe the best way to experience all this is in DADA or something.

I need to go back and listen to 'Tarantism' through an Orb lens now... Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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