Hi Jake, I'm not a big metal fan but have a couple of family members back in the UK who are. Thought a nice Christmas gift would be a decent metal CD or two or maybe a compilation but I'm at a loss as where to start with Chinese metal. Any CD recommendations you might make or shops in Beijing where I could have a poke around and get recommendations from someone who listens to the stuff? Thanks for the regular write-ups, I enjoy Concrete Avalanche immensely.

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We’ll, if you really love them you’ll buy them a Zuriaake record. https://zuriaakecn.bandcamp.com/

That’s sort of a joke, but really, they’re my favourite Chinese metal band. My tastes tend to veer toward black and folk when it comes to metal, so another act I like are Black Kirin. This live record with a folk orchestra is excellent: https://blackkirincn.bandcamp.com/album/qian-nian

Should be able to find that and stuff from Zuriaake on Taobao as well.

You could also take a browse of Pest Productions’ back catalogue and their WeChat account / website: https://website.pest666.com/shop.html. If in doubt, they have a few compilations called Death Kult Over Black Congregation; may be able to find some physical copies on Taobao if their shop is out.

Another favourite is Hoplites, who I’ve featured a few times on this Substack – not sure how available his CDs are in China, but worth a look.

I’m afraid I can’t think of any metal-specialist record shops in Beijing right now, and even my knowledge of general interest record shops in the capital is a bit patchy these days, but Fruity Shop and Indie Music are always worth a look I’d say. Will comment again if I can think of more…

Many thanks for reading and for the nice comments. Good luck!

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Thanks Jake, I'll take a look at those. I have listened to Hoplites after reading about them in your newsletter but they are probably a tad too extreme! I didn't manage to get through a single track before giving my ears a rest.

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Haha, yeah fair enough. It’s pretty brutal. The others mentioned here ought to be a bit easier on your ear drums

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